Friday, August 28, 2009

Five hours on a bus can make you commit to strange personal tasks

Inspired by Gary's 365 project for his 30th year of life I am going to do the same. One photo every day. I have no rules for this, I will take pictures wherever. If I'm lazy I'll take a picture of Harriet (this is likely not the only occasion in which I will resort to photographing the cat, she's super cute so what do you expect?). It begins in 44 minutes, when I officially turn 29 and the world implodes.

Tomorrow I will have ample photo opportunities: hurricane Danny, party at the beer garden, Markus with edible gold dust. Get ready.

1 comment:

  1. ah, if ever a year in anyone's life warrented daily photographing it is yours my dear! 29 doesn't know the beauty it has in store! MUR
