Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 4, 2010

A feline-initiated shattered glass at 7:00 AM, a fall UP the subway stairs and a hole in my sweater. Day turned around about 9:35 AM and has been going uphill since! (Also: dear readers, leave me a comment so I know someone reads this other than people named Jessica. Actually, having written that out it's fully possible that my most loyal and consistent readers/viewers (?) are all Jessicas. You know who you are: mostly because I just typed your name. It's no secret; I love people named Jessica.)


  1. Well, Jessicas can be quite loyal and I most certainly enjoy your postings... again, saving them up for a Friday treat... or more like a feast. I do hope that your day went way uphill from where it began. Oh dear. Also, your photo of boots reminded me that I left my snowboots (really rainboots) at work! How will I frolic tomorrow? Remember sledding outside of Kline on cafeteria trays?

  2. Um, another Jessica weighing in to ask, Are we not enough for you?

    Give me just one Claire to read my blog, and call me a happy camper.

  3. Ha, of course it's only you two who have commented! Yes, I would be sublimely happy if only people named Jessica read my blog. But I have a lot of mystery readers and I want them to identify themselves (which is never going to happen, I don't think). Thanks for commenting! What's up with this no-snow?!
